Monday, July 30, 2007


I have a mask that I used to wear. I was too afraid to show my real self to anyone else. All that has changed.

But it has gotten me thinking about masks that people wear. Whether it is the mask of someone they want to be or a mask just to cover who they really are. And if they wear a mask, do they have many of them? How do we know which person is real?

Sometimes a beautiful mask can hide a horrible person. Sometimes a horrible mask hides a beautiful person. Do we become the person we project if we wear that mask most of the time? Can we become that person if we want to?

A glimpse of a person without their mask can sometimes be a wonderful thing. I feel special because I am the only one who gets to see what a wacky, fun, sexy person my hubby is, but at the same time I wish I could share that part of him with everyone.

A glimpse of a person without their mask can sometimes be a horrible thing. I lived with a man whose mask was honorable and caring. But when he took it off, he was a quite frightening.

Sometimes I "see" past the masks. And sometimes I wish I couldn't.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Everyone Has One

Opinion. Everyone has one. Until recently I kept mine to myself. In fact, I wasn't really positive I knew what MY opinion was. I was so used to "fitting in."

I never rocked the boat and I kept my thoughts to myself. My own fault. I'm remedying it. I'm no longer the metamorph from Star Trek TNG.

So this will be a place for me to express my opinion and if someone doesn't like it, that is just fine with me. I'll consider this practice for the real world.